Choose the BEST Package for Your Needs... - ProfitBuilder

Choose Your Plan and Get Started Now

Get The ProfitBuilder™ Software Now, Start Building Landing Pages Fast, Get More Conversions, Scale Your Business & Grow Revenues...

These Special Discounts Only Available for A Very Limited Time and Will Rise Soon...

Our Most Popular Package



50 Personal Sites
(Only sites you OWN and RUN)

USUALLY $497 - OVER 86% OFF!



10 Personal Sites
(Only sites you OWN and RUN)

USUALLY $297 - OVER 76% OFF!



3 Personal Sites
(Only sites you OWN and RUN)

USUALLY $197 - OVER 76% OFF!




Drag & Drop Builder

Drag & Drop Builder

Drag & Drop Builder
130+ High-Converting Templates
130+ High-Converting Templates
130+ High-Converting Templates
Unlimited Visitors
Unlimited Visitors
Unlimited Visitors
Dedicated Optimized Theme
Dedicated Optimized Theme
Dedicated Optimized Theme
100% Mobile Responsive
100% Mobile Responsive
100% Mobile Responsive
Speed Optimization
Speed Optimization
Speed Optimization
SEO / Social Optimzation
SEO / Social Optimzation
SEO / Social Optimzation
100+ New Features & Tweaks
100+ New Features & Tweaks
100+ New Features & Tweaks
Integration Everywhere
Integration Everywhere
Integration Everywhere
Free Support & Updates
Free Support & Updates
Free Support & Updates
Not Included
Not Included
Split-Testing + Auto-Optimize
Not Included
Not Included
Funnel Builder + Analytics
Not Included
Not Included




Drop-In Pixel / Tracking Code

100% Mobile Responsive

SEO / Social Media Optimized

Email Integrations (Aweber, Mailchimp, Etc.)

CRM Integrations

Marketing Automation Integration


Still Not Sure if the ProfitBuilder™ Software is Right For You? Here's a Few Frequently Asked Questions...

Are the Marketing Pages Hosted on Your Servers or Are They Hosted on My Site?

This is a plugin that installs on YOUR self-hosted WordPress website and the pages are hosted on your site. You are 100% in control of your marketing and you have NO restrictions at all. That just makes your life much easier...

Can I Use This Amazing System on My Existing Site or Do I Need to Use a Special Theme?

The CORE system is a powerful plugin that is pre-loaded with yummy marketing goodness and this works great with ANY theme out there. You just tell the system to use our template override for a page. However, we do also offer a very powerful "Theme" that goes with this that adds even more power to the core system...

I Already Have Version 1. Do I Have to Purchase This New Version?

As a courtesy to our V1 customers we are giving you a complementary upgrade to this new version with 12 months upgrades and support as our gift to you as a thank you for being a loyal customer. Just log in to your account and you can access all the new training and your PB V1 will upgrade to the new version automatically...

What are the System Requirements for This Amazing Marketing Site Builder?

All you need is a standard host, a self-hosted WordPress site with a minumum of PHP 5.4 (5.6+ Recommended). This is standard on 99% of good hosts and is the minumum standard for most commercial plugins...

Are There Any Monthly Fees or Hidden Fees With This AWESOME System?

No, we do not charge any monthly fees, just a one-time cost and you can pick the right package that suits your needs. Also, there are no hidden-fees... We want you to hit the ground running and know that you can focus on creating awesome marketing pages without all the hassle...

Are There Any Limit's to the Number of Visits or Funnels I can Build Like Other Systems?

Absolutely not, we don't believe in limits. It's your business, you should be able to run it the way you see fit. So, you can build unlimited funnels, pages, and get as many visits as you like. You are in FULL control of your business and not "Leasing" it from some other company that can turn off your account on a whim and leave your business in the dust...

Get Started Now and Build Your First Page...

Join 150,000+ other businesses who rely on ProfitBuilder™

ProfitBuilder - Professional


Our dedicated support team is here to answer any questions you may have about this class


Your purchase is always secure and we always keep your information private...


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